In the season finale of Strange New Worlds titled "A Quality of Mercy”, Captain Pike gets a shocking visit from his OLDER self, warning him of a catastrophic future for the Federation if he chooses to avoid the tragic destiny...
In the ninth episode of Strange New Worlds titled "All Those Who Wander”, the Enterprise Crew is dispatched to an icy planet to find and recover a missing Starfleet ship only to find the entire crew murdered. Pike and the …
In the eighth episode of Strange New Worlds titled "The Elysian King”, an alien consciousness traps Dr. M’Benga and the Enterprise crew in a real-life children’s fairy tale as Dr. M’Benga’s critically ill daughter goes missin...
In the seventh episode of Strange New Worlds titled "The Serene Squall”, a rescue mission turns into a hostile takeover as the Enterprise is violently boarded. Spock's fiance T'Pring is faced with a decision that could end hi...
In the sixth episode of Strange New Worlds titled "Lift Us Where Suffering Can’t Reach”, Captain Pike reunites with a post love, but she’s hiding a dark secret that will put his sense of morality and duty to the test. …
In the fifth episode of Strange New Worlds titled "Spock Amock”, Spock and fiance T'Pring have an out-of-body experience that threatens critical negotiations with an alien species and his engagement. Number One and La'An shed...
In the fourth episode of Strange New Worlds titled "Momento Mori”, The Enterprise crew comes face to face with the ruthless STOS nemesis the Gorn. La'an is forced to come to terms with her traumatic past while trying to save …
In the third episode of Strange New Worlds titled "Ghost of Illyria, " An Enterprise away team brings a deadly contagion aboard that infects the entire crew and jeopardizes the ship. Number One races against time to save the ...
In the second episode of Star Trek "Strange New Worlds", an ancient alien relic thwarts the Enterprise crew's effort to re-routing a comet threatening the extinction of the primitive inhabitants of a planet directly in its pa...
In the debut episode of Star Trek "Strange New Worlds", Pike's first officer goes missing while on a secret mission for Starfleet, forcing a reluctant Pike to come out of self-imposed exile and captain the Enterprise once aga...